Birds, birds, and birds!
Photography by Mitch Doucet
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What you will find on this page.
Bird list for New Brunswick and Grand Manan
New Brunswick observed bird list!
Over 400 species observed since the 1800s in New Brunswick.
The list in in Taxodomic order with some of our photos. It’s a work in progress and more details will be added, so check often.Grand Manan observed bird list!
Over 300 species observed since the 1800s in Grand Manan and surrunding island including the Bay of Fundy and Machias Island. .
The list in in Taxodomic order with some of our photos. It’s a work in progress and more details will be added, so check often.
Castalia Marsh (Grand Manan) observed bird list!
Castalia is the most prolific hotspot in the province of New Brunswick with over 270 species observed over the years.
Castalia is also our new home where we will make a new acquired lot a wildlife sanctuary.
Our Lifer list of Photographed birds
Mitch’s New Brunswick lifer birds photographed.
Over 300 speices photographed in New Brunswick since 2016.
With a short species description and amazing photos by Mitch Doucet
Mitch around the world bird photography.
Dozends of birds observed outside New Brunswick over the year.
From tripes in the United States and other Canadian provinces.
Mitch Pelagic & Sea birds lifer bird list photography.
My Pelagic and other sea birds lifer list with link to Ebirds submissions.
Bird photography by bird species family.
Mitch Accipitridae (Hawks & Eagles) lifer list photography.
My Accipitridae (Hawks & Eagles) observed so far.
Mitch Alcidae (Alcids) lifer bird list photography.
My Alcidae species (Puffins, Dovekies, Murres, Razaobills and more) observed so far with some of my favorite photos.
Mitch Anatidae (Ducks) lifer bird list photography.
My Anatidae (Waterfowl, all ducks, scaups, scoters, Mergansers, etc…) observed so far.
Mitch Anatidae (Geese & Swans) lifer bird list photography.
My Anatidae (Waterfowl, just the Geese & Swans) observed so far.
Mitch Ardeidae (Herons, Bitterns, Egrets) & Threskiornithidae (Ibis) lifer bird list.
My Ardeidae (Herons, Bitterns & Egrets) & Threskiornithidae (Ibis) lifer bird list photography.
Mitch Cardinalidae lifer bird list photography.
The Cardinalidae family includes the Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings, Tanangers and Dickcissel.
Mitch Columbidae (Doves & Pigeons) lifer bird list.
My Columbidae (Doves & Pigeons) lifer bird list photography.
Mitch Corvidae family lifer bird list photography.
The Corvidae family includes Jays, Crows and Ravens.
Mitch Cuculidae observed lifer bird list photography.
The Cuculidae family includes the Cuckoos and Roadrunners.
Mitch Falconidae (Falcons) lifer list photography.
My Falconidae (Falcons, Kestrels and Merlin) observed so far.
Mitch Other Birds of Prey lifer list photography.
My Accipitridae, Cathartidae, Pandionidae & Falconidae (Bird of Preys) observed so far.
This includes Eagles, Hawks, Falcons and all other birds of prey species.
Mitch Fringillidae (Finches) family lifer bird list photography.
The Fringillidae family includes Finches, Redpolls, Crossbills, Siskins & Goldfinches
Mitch Hirundinidae (Swallows) family lifer bird list photography.
The Hirundinidae family includes all Swallows including Purple Martins.
Mitch Icteridae family lifer bird list photography.
The Icteridae family includes Orioles, Blackbirds, Bobolink, Cowbirds, Meadowlarks & Grackles.
Mitch Mimidae (Mockingbirds and Thrashers) observed lifer bird list photography.
The Mimidae family includes the Thrashers and Mockingbirdsl.
Mitch Paridae (Chickadee & Tits) lifer bird list photography.
My Paridae (Chickadee & Tits) observed so far.
My Passerellidae (New World Sparrows, Towhee & Junco) & Passeridae (Old World Sparrow)
Mitch Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants) lifer bird list photography.
My Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants) observed so far.
Mitch Phasianidae & Odontophoridae lifer bird list.
My Phasianidae family includes Pheasants, Grouses and Wild Turkys & Odontophoridae (Quails) lifer bird list photography.
Mitch Picidae family lifer bird list photography.
The Picidae family includes woodpeckers, Sapsuckers & Flickers.
Mitch Podicipedidae (Grebes) lifer bird list photography.
My Podicipedidae (Grebes) observed so far.
Mitch Polioptilidae (Gnatchatcher) family lifer bird list photography.
The Polioptilidae family includes all Gnatcatchers
Mitch Procellariidae (Shearwaters & Fulmars) lifer bird list photography.
My Procellariidae family includes Shearwaters & Fulmars observed so far.
Mitch Scolopacidae (Shorebirds) lifer bird list photography.
My Scolopacidae, Charadridae, Haematopodidae, &Recurvirostridae (Shorebirds,, Oystercatchers, Stilts & Avocets) observed so far.
Mitch Stercorariidae (Jaegers & Skuas) lifer bird list photography.
My Stercorariidae (Jaegers &Skuas) observed so far.
Mitch Strigidae (Owls) lifer bird list photography.
My Strigidae (Owls) observed so far with some of my favorite photos.
Mitch Sulidae (Gannets & Boobies) lifer bird list photography.
My Sulidae family includes Gannets and Boobies observed so far.
Mitch Trochilidae (Hummingbirds) family lifer bird list photography.
The Trochilidae family includes all hummingbirds
Mitch Turdidae (Bluebirds, Thrushes, Veery and Robins) observed lifer bird list photography.
The Turdidae family includes the Thrushes, Bluebirds, Robins and Veery.
Mitch Tyrannidae family lifer bird list photography.
The Tyrannidae family includes Flycatchers, Kingbirds, Wood-Pewee & Phoebe.
Bird Yard lists
Yard birds at our Dieppe Residence.
All the birds seen in our yard in beresford including Fliby over the house.
Yard birds at the Cottage in Beresford
We no longer own the cottage but for 5 years these are the birds we observed from the yard, the bay des chaleur and the lagoon in the backyard.
Yard birds at our place in Grand Manan
All the birds observed from our wooden yard on Grand Manan including fly over birds.
Other interesting albums.
Mitch banded birds collection.
A Collection of all the birds photographed with band,s tags or other tracking devices.
Mitch Leucistic birds collection.
A Collection of all the fully or partially leucistic birds photographed.
Mitch good timing and lucky shot photography.
Good timing, at the right place at the right time for that cool photo.
Mitch funny bird photography (Pooping edition).
Birds doing their business in public and other funny birds photos.
Optical & Gear Recommendations
Our recommendations for Binoculars and Scopes base on years of birding and using their brand exclusively.
Our recommendations for drones and using their brand exclusively.
Our recommendations for small cameras and using their brand exclusively.
Our recommendations for Camera gears and lens from years of nature photography.